Types of customers Optician Deal With…!


As an optician we have to deal with various types of customers in our day to day life. Some are good some are bad or some are only visited window-shopping, but to close sale we have to understand customers point of view while purchasing. Among all types we will bifurcate customers in three main categories 1. Needy 2. Smart 3. Prestigious.

Needy customer is who wants to buy spectacle because he is unable to see without that or he is facing some problem in his current Specials. So, while closing sales to such customer the optician should explain him why he is facing such problem and what precaution he should take in future to avoid such problem then only needy customer will satisfy and will come back to you again because you have explained him what he wanted. But remember that for explaining him you should have scientific knowledge regarding your field.

Smart customer is who always wants some offers and extra discount or will look for your shop interior your behavior your certification and how you are interacting with him if optician satisfies all this then only he will be able to close sales with smart buyer. For dealing with smart buyer optician should always show him latest arrivals in shop advance technology in his shop and how he will do after sales service. but for that opticians should be qualified and upgraded.

Prestigious buyer is person who will buy anything whether it is needed or not, whether it has any offer or not, He will not look for price only thing he look for is how optician will explain him about product and how product will look good on customer. Now optician is in driving seat he has do use all his selling technique all his experience and all his marketing skills to high sale the customer and close the deal with maximum profit possible. But for that optician must have knowledge of digital marketing and selling techniques.


So, to conclude we can say that to satisfy all types of customer the optician must have Scientific knowledge, Skills & selling techniques. It will not only improve your knowledge but Also increase your confidence & So Sales


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